
We just received great news that the 200th issue of MOJO Magazine featuring Tom Waits as guest editor as well as on the cover was the publications biggest selling issue of 2010. Not only that, the issue  was also one of the magazine’s Top 10 sellers of all-time. We can’t help but think it was due to all of you incredibly loyal Tom Waits fans , so we want to offer a heartfelt thank you! MOJO is a great magazine for fanatical music lovers like us and we’re genuinely happy it’s out there spreading the word.
Phil Alexander (Editor-In-Chief, MOJO): “Having Tom Waits guest edit MOJO 200 was a real honour and privilege. The effort he put into guiding the content was remarkable, unique and real. He compiled the CD with care, and by selecting the content he took the readers on a journey that was truly personal. As a fan of the man, I was both thrilled and humbled by the fact that he took the time to help us celebrate a real milestone in the magazine’s history.”

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