
***We are pleased to announce that Tom and ANTI- are going to release a second printing of the second edition of the poem “Seeds on Hard Ground”. This will be the final printing and the last chance to purchase this limited edition chap book. The second printing we will be limited to 1000 copies in North America. The street date will be February 28th. You can pre-order the book here.

Tom Waits is releasing a limited edition chap book of “Seeds On Hard Ground” exclusively through his website in collaboration with Anti records to raise funds for homeless services in his region and to bring attention to a growing problem in today’s hard times.

Both Waits and Anti Records are donating all proceeds of the poem, each edition limited to 1,000 copies each in North America and Europe, to the Redwood Empire Food Bank, Sonoma County’s Homeless Referral Services and Family Support Center operated by Catholic Charities. Orders can be placed here.

(Click front cover to see additional pages)

"Seeds On Hard Ground" was inspired by Michael O'Brien's photographic portraits of the homeless. An abridged rearranged version of the poem will appear alongside O'Brien's photographs in the upcoming book Hard Ground."