
Painter, illustrator, and political satirist Kellesimone Waits will be presenting 10 original ink drawings from her latest series of work on the heels of her first solo show in New York in June at Known Gallery in Los Angeles beginning on April 23rd.

Artist Statement: My choice to juxtapose real world tragedies with the descriptive punctuation of comic book fantasy comments not only on my relationship to these events it also points to the effect that the saturation of media violence has on western culture in general. After a certain point there’s only so much horror and death that one can absorb, we become desensitized by necessity. The events begin to bleed together into a mass of general disaster that most must set aside in order to get on with our days and remain functional members of society.

A limited edition of Action Comics prints will be available in hand letter pressed boxes, signed and dated. A portion of the proceeds from Kellesimone’s work will benefit Doctors Without Borders.

Also featured will be an exhibition by Shout! AKA Alessandro Gottardo, a successful illustrator, who most recently was awarded three Silver medals in three different categories from the Society of Illustrators in New York. Gottardo will present a series of 50 prints and eight new hand finished aqua tints. The first 100 attendees will receive a free, signed booklet on the making of the prints for Known. A portion of the proceeds from Alessandro’s work will benefit Japan Relief.

The opening reception takes place on Saturday, April 23, 2011 from 8 to 11 p.m.

Show runs April 23rd to May 14th, 2011

Known Gallery
441 North Fairfax Ave, Los Angeles, Ca. 90036

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